🔔 Previously, the
executed due to an integration would be counted in the total
consumed. Polls are not considered tasks anymore. Now, the Integry users will only be notified if the actual tasks (consumed) exceed the set limit - without accounting for polls.
App Connector Builder
- Previously, users were unable to clone App Connectors successfully. They were facing the following issues:
  • The account information was not being fetched in the cloned app - causing the users to connect their accounts again.
  • In some cases, the users were unable to go further than account connection.
These issues have been fixed.
Guided Flow Builder
- Previously, the users could not collapse a step's configure section if a required field was not filled out. This has been updated now. Users can collapse the configure section and if the required field isn't filled, the step's status icon shows an error until it's filled.
App Connector Builder
- Previously, the users were unable to delete old/active accounts from an Authorization. However, they were able to delete newly created accounts. This issue has been fixed now.
Marketplace Builder
- Previously, if the user made some changes in the Marketplace builder and switched between the tabs before the autosave call to run, the changes would not get saved and the user wouldn't be notified of any error. This issue has been fixed. User-entered data is saved quickly in the Marketplace builder now.
Dropdown Field Configuration
- Previously, the parent field tags were not available while configuring the child field's data source. As a result, the users could not test the data source for the child fields. This issue has been fixed. Now, the tags for the parent field's tested values are available to use while configuring the child step.